Mental Health

the big picture: a unified approach to anxiety, depression, adhd and mood disorders

Many common mental health concerns, such as anxiety, depression, ADHD, and postpartum mood disorders, are symptoms of an underlying problem that needs to be identified and corrected. The cause is unique from person to person but overall I find that by addressing proper nutrition, hormonal balance, genetic influences, and stress management that many of these conditions improve.

Working together, and in conjunction with your healthcare team, we can untangle the underlying causes, triggers, and contributors to your mental health concerns.


A holistic approach addressing:

✦ Genetic influences (MTHFR, COMT, & MAO SNPs)
✦ Nutrition to reduce inflammation, balance blood sugar & build neurotransmitters
✦ Hormone evaluation and treatment
✦ Stress reduction & nervous system restoration through acupuncture and natural therapies
✦ Supporting connections to local therapists & mental health professionals