
Labor Preparation & Pre-Birth Care Program

This series of treatments in the final weeks of pregnancy help prepare women for childbirth. Pre-birth acupuncture is an ideal method to help prepare women to have the most efficient & relaxed labor possible.  

finishing touch

Pre-birth acupuncture consists of a series of treatments started around week 36 aimed at helping prepare a woman for childbirth. Observational studies have demonstrated that pre-birth acupuncture can reduce labor time, induction and epidural rates, emergency c-section delivery and provide some promising therapeutic benefits in assisting women to have a normal vaginal birth. 

Pre-birth acupuncture can also address symptoms of late pregnancy like pain, swelling, and fatigue.

Final stretch

In the last few weeks of your pregnancy, we work together to get you in shape for labor, using acupuncture to soften your pelvic muscles and ligaments, relax your mind, and give you an energy boost before the big day. 

If your baby is breech, it is best to start treatment by or before week 34. I will teach you how to utilize a well known "baby turning" protocol you can do at home by yourself that has a success rate of anywhere between 69% and 85% in clinical trials. You can read about it here, here, and here.